Who Dun It?
Behind every environmental issue, there is a lawsuit happening, or waiting to happen. It's not always clear who should pay for it, who is at fault, what should be done, or or if the damage is worth the pain. But where there is a will, there is a way, and where there is a lawsuit, there is bound to be a settlement. To resolve a conflict, one of four conditions should be addressed. The four conditions for settlement are brute force, a decision rule, an agreement, or a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Brute force is an extreme example of a condition, however not uncommon. Often after exerting brute force, the costs are higher than if an agreement had been reached civilly. In many cases, the threat of combat is enough to accept a settlement. Conflict resolution techniques are useful in warding off violence, and the costly and time-consuming cases will encourage a resolution, while the disputes can be taxed and donated charitably. An excellent example for a complicated lawsuit i...